ICs 及 複合物

結果 為了 免疫和淋巴: 草藥和植物藥
    23.5 千
Imprint -
包含: 氨基二吡咯噻嗪鈉 阿奇黴素 生物膜剋星 環丙沙星 烏米非諾韋 還有1...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint H.幽門補救療劑是一種具有抗菌特性的草藥混合物,可用於幫助清除體內的 H. Pylori(幽門螺桿菌)。它還可用於幫助調節胃酸的產生,以幫助緩解胃灼熱和胃酸反流。該 IC 是在野蒜、橄欖、甘草、蜜樹、路易波士茶、番石榴和水莓的幫助下製成的。
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Herbal Cleanse is a blend of natural ingredients that may help combat parasites and toxins in the body. It may help cleanse organs and tissues, pur...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Herbal Hemostat is an herbal mixture that may help stop bleeding, decrease pain and swelling, encourage normal blood clotting, promote blood circul...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Immune Plus is an herbal blend that may help enhance the effectiveness of the body's natural defense system. Additionally, it may help in trapping ...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Jilungin Bush Tea, also known as Eremophila longifolia, is a herbal tea derived from the leaves of the Jilungin plant, which is native to the Austr...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Kakadu plum, also known as Terminalia ferdinandiana, is a small fruit native to Australia, particularly found in the Northern Territory and Western...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint This IC Complex may help with Lichen Sclerosus, an autoimmune disorder.
包含: 維生素E 薑黃 必需的 Omega-3 維生素 D3 還有1...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Licorice root, derived from the Glycyrrhiza glabra plant, is a well-known herbal remedy with a rich history in various traditional medicine systems...
    1.8 千
    Immersion Health
Imprint 一種 IC 複合物,包括維生素 E、維生素 C、鋅和硝唑尼特,可能有助於 MMXIX。
包含: 脂質體維生素C 阿里尼亞 胸腺提取物 生育酚 + 生育三烯酚混合物 轉移因子 還有2...
    3.9 千
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Myrrh Gum,也稱為沒藥,是一種樹液狀物質,來自於非洲和阿拉伯半島部分地區的無花果屬開花樹。它具有抗氧化和抗癌特性,長期以來一直用於中藥和阿育吠陀醫學。沒藥膠可用於幫助減輕炎症、抵抗感染、減輕疼痛和腫脹、改善牙齦健康、保護肝臟、降低膽固醇水平、幫助傷口癒合和改善皮膚狀況(例如濕疹、褥瘡、...
    22.1 千
    Immersion Health
Imprint NF-kappa beta 位於一長串炎症信號的開始。它不僅在急性和慢性炎症條件下升高,而且在癌症中起關鍵作用並維持有利於其進展的狀態。該 IC 是在薑黃素、乳香、蜂膠、綠茶、生薑、迷迭香、芹菜、Lens esculenta 和胡椒的提取物的幫助下製成的,以及 α 硫辛酸和反式白藜蘆醇。這是一...