ICs & Complexes

Results for Cleanse/Restore the Body: DREC
    9.78 k
Imprint The amino acid arginine is a conditional amino acid, which means that the body produces enough of it to meet the bodies needs under normal conditio...
    20.5 k
Imprint Artemisia annua, also known as sweet wormwood, is an herb traditionally used in Chinese medicine to treat fever, inflammation, and malaria. In fact...
    14.2 k
Imprint Basic Detox is great to detox and cleanse the body. It may be used to relieve the body of heavy metals, support the immune system, boost energy lev...
Imprint The deworming with black walnut and black walnut leaves has proven itself since ancient times in Persia and Asia Minor, where the walnut originated...
Imprint Curcumin + Black Pepper + Potassium is a powerful combination, rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It may be used to reduce pain ...
    10.1 k
Imprint The Elixir of the Sweden is a formula from the Middle Ages that contains 59 plants and natural substances such as aloe, thistle, senna leaves, camp...
    2.55 k
Imprint Energized Rosemary may be used to reduce the feeling of fear and the feeling that one needs to control everything. It may also be used to help prot...
    19.4 k
Imprint Germanium is a trace element found in the earth's crust, but it is also found in mushrooms, ginseng, chestnut, chlorella, garlic, aloe - all foods ...
Imprint Golden Leaf Ginkgo Biloba Extract may be used to help promote the body’s natural cell repair process as well as support tissues to stay healthy (ev...
    28.7 k
Imprint Hypertonic seawater is a mineral-rich fluid used to replenish electrolytes and balance hydration. It may also be used to boost energy, increase met...
    27.1 k
Imprint Isotonic Seawater is a nutrient-rich solution that is similar to the composition of blood plasma. It may be used to support cellular homeostasis an...
Imprint Famous for its healing waters and miracles, Lourdes France draws thousands of people from around the world. According to scientists, the water from...
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