ICs & Complexes

Results for Respiratory: Ease2Wellness
    20.1 k
PEMF This IC may be used to re-establish the integrity of cardiac tissue, heart function, lung physiology, and heart-lung interaction. It may be used to...
    11.7 k
PEMF The Throat Chakra is associated with the Respiratory System/Thyroid Gland. It is the center for sound, communication, speech, writing and thought e...
    17.5 k
PEMF This IC may be used to help increase oxygen in the lungs as well as the exchange of gases in the bronchioles. It may also be used to increase lung ...
    11.4 k
PEMF This IC may help restore energetic fields of microbial disease and liver tissue in general after various fungi distortions. It may also be used to ...
    16 k
PEMF This IC may assist with the excretion and respiration of unwanted products from the body and the body’s detoxification. It may also help with the s...
    10.8 k
PEMF This IC may help restore the integrity of the thyroid gland, the pituitary gland, and the adrenal cortex. It links 3 body cavities: the cranial, th...
    4.31 k
PEMF This IC helps energy integration in the primary cavities of the cranium, chest, and abdomen to get energy flowing through the system. When these ca...
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