ICs 及 複合物

結果 為了 心理健康和神經: Vie Rayonnante
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Imprint Magnesium 7 Plus is a blend of seven forms of elemental magnesium and co-factors. It may help reduce stress and anxiety, promote restful sleep, sup...
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Imprint Mahogany Obsidian is a gemstone distinguished by its deep reddish-brown color and distinctive patterns resembling tree branches. It is a naturally ...
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Imprint Melanotan II 肽是 α-黑色素細胞刺激素 (α -MSH) 的合成類似物。它可用於幫助增加肌肉硬度、增加瘦體重、促進體重減輕、減少飢餓感、增加黑色素生成、促進深色皮膚色素沉著、增加性慾、增強男性勃起、減少強迫/成癮行為以及管理幼兒的自閉症.
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Imprint Metabolic Boost is a blend of natural ingredients that may help increase energy and vitality, support metabolic health, and encourage a healthy wei...
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Imprint Mimosa bark refers to the inner bark of the Mimosa tree, scientifically known as Albizia julibrissin. In traditional herbal medicine, particularly ...
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Imprint Mind power is a blend of natural ingredients that may help enhance focus, memory, and stress resilience. It may help calm the mind, elevate the emo...
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Imprint N-乙酰半胱氨酸 (NAC),也稱為乙酰半胱氨酸,是氨基酸半胱氨酸的衍生物,可促進穀胱甘肽的產生,穀胱甘肽是一種強大的抗氧化劑,有助於身體排毒。 NAC 可用於治療對乙酰氨基酚中毒。此外,可以在飲酒前服用,以幫助減少與飲酒相關的損害。 NAC 的其他用途包括肝臟支持、緩解與呼吸系統疾病(如支氣...
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脈衝電磁場 NASA's study on the effects of time-varying electromagnetic fields (10Hz) on human neuronal cells highlights several significant health benefits. F...
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Imprint Neuroflora Boost may help support brain health and balance dopamine and serotonin levels. It may help manage neurological conditions like Autism Sp...
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Imprint Nicotine is a stimulant and highly addictive chemical predominantly found in the tobacco plant. It is the main ingredient in various tobacco produc...
    Vie Rayonnante
可聽的 This IC Complex contains Nogier Frequencies. Nogier frequencies are designed to target specific parts of the body or specific conditions. It is rec...
包含: C (1168 Hz) Nogier G (146 Hz) Nogier D (2326 Hz) Nogier A (292 Hz) Nogier E (4672 Hz) Nogier 還有2...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Nux Moschata 是一種由肉荳蔻製成的順勢療法藥物,可用於幫助緩解伴有便秘的腹脹。它也可以用來幫助那些情緒非常多變的人(從突然的笑聲到哭聲)以及那些處於夢幻、困惑或昏昏欲睡狀態的人。