ICs 及 複合物

結果 為了 Imprint : 血液和心血管
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Lachesis Mutus 15CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the venom of the Bushmaster snake. It is commonly used to address various conditions, par...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Lachesis Mutus 30CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the venom of the Bushmaster snake. It is commonly used to address various conditions, par...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Lachesis Mutus 9CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the venom of the Bushmaster snake. It is commonly used to address various conditions, part...
    13.2 千
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint MK-677 Peptide,也稱為 Ibutamoren,可促進生長激素的分泌並增加胰島素樣生長因子 1 (IGF-1)。它通過模仿激素生長素釋放肽的作用並與大腦中的一種生長素釋放肽受體結合來提高生長激素水平。 MK-677 可用於增加瘦肌肉質量、減少肌肉萎縮、改善骨密度、增加食慾、增強運動...
Imprint MMR 代表麻疹/腮腺炎/風疹,是一種由疫苗製成的順勢療法,該療法可能有助於減輕疫苗的副作用和不良反應。
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Magnesium10 may help support overall cellular health and enhance energy production. Also, it may help promote optimal muscle function, improve slee...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Mangosteen is a tropical fruit known for its sweet and tangy flavor, often called the "queen of fruits". Native to Southeast Asia, this superfood i...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Mixed Toco-Vit E is a vitamin E formulation derived from wheat germ oil, containing a blend of mixed tocopherols and long-chain fatty alcohols. It ...
    4.7 千
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Myrrh Gum,也稱為沒藥,是一種樹液狀物質,來自於非洲和阿拉伯半島部分地區的無花果屬開花樹。它具有抗氧化和抗癌特性,長期以來一直用於中藥和阿育吠陀醫學。沒藥膠可用於幫助減輕炎症、抵抗感染、減輕疼痛和腫脹、改善牙齦健康、保護肝臟、降低膽固醇水平、幫助傷口癒合和改善皮膚狀況(例如濕疹、褥瘡、...
    103.4 千
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint N-乙酰半胱氨酸 (NAC),也稱為乙酰半胱氨酸,是氨基酸半胱氨酸的衍生物,可促進穀胱甘肽的產生,穀胱甘肽是一種強大的抗氧化劑,有助於身體排毒。 NAC 可用於治療對乙酰氨基酚中毒。此外,可以在飲酒前服用,以幫助減少與飲酒相關的損害。 NAC 的其他用途包括肝臟支持、緩解與呼吸系統疾病(如支氣...
    25.7 千
    Immersion Health
Imprint NF-kappa beta 位於一長串炎症信號的開始。它不僅在急性和慢性炎症條件下升高,而且在癌症中起關鍵作用並維持有利於其進展的狀態。該 IC 是在薑黃素、乳香、蜂膠、綠茶、生薑、迷迭香、芹菜、Lens esculenta 和胡椒的提取物的幫助下製成的,以及 α 硫辛酸和反式白藜蘆醇。這是一...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Naja Tripudians 5CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the venom of the Indian cobra, commonly used to address conditions related to the nervous...