Tight Hip Flexors/Psoas Muscles PEMF

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정신 건강 및 신경
골격 및 근육

The Hip Flexors are the deepest core muscles that take the strain if the abdominal and/or Gluteal muscles are weak. They shorten and can feel tight when overworked. This may cause low back pain,hip pain and groin pain. There can also be an emotional component to the cause of tight and stiff psoas muscles that is described as 'flight or fight'. We have included frequencies to address these issues. For best results we recommend that this Pemf be run with our 'Relax and Balance' Pemf and 'Happy Hip Joint' Pemf. Also it is important to set a good intention for a good outcome before running each Pemf.
Place the IC Pad in front of either hip or abdomen.
Sean Durkan Osteopath and FSM Practitioner, Fsmworks.com

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anonymous, 2024년 03월 30일 (토)
저는 스트레스를 많이 받았는데 오늘 PSOAS가 신경계와 밀접하게 작동하기 때문에 영혼의 근육이라고도 불린다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. PEMF를 하면서 많은 감정을 느꼈지만... 결국 엉덩이의 극심한 통증은 오히려 덜해졌습니다! 더 자주 시도해 보겠습니다.

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Tight Hip Flexors/Psoas Muscles PEMF
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