Moles (Rife)

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Rife frequencies for skin moles

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John Parkin, November 05, 2023
I have used this twice and repeated twice.My Mole on my leg has realy gone half the size Amazing.
Related ICs: Moles (Rife)
anonymous, March 02, 2023
Mole on my arm is shrinking.  Use it twice each day.   Hopefully it continues to shrink
Related ICs: Moles (Rife)

Moles (Rife)
Jul 01, 2024
 I’ve suddenly got two large, painful pimples coming in on my face where I place the glow pad. I don’t know anything about how rife frequencies work. Is this normal?
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Mar 18, 2023
Should the glowing IC pad be placed directly on the moles I want to treat or is it better to place the pad on the sternum?
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