Cyst (Rife)

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Rife frequencies may help with benign cysts.

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D, March 29, 2024
Used this on an epidermal cyst on the back of dog's neck.  Cyst comes and goes of its own accord but never truly goes away.  The cyst ranges in size from a shelled walnut to a golf ball, and the size fluctuation is gradual lasting over several weeks to grow or diminish.  I used this IC 3x in a row on the cyst when it was fully engorged.  The next day it was half the size.  Used it again 1x (dog wouldn't sit still for longer than one session) the following day and it shrunk to half its size again.  After those first 2 days in a row, I've been using this IC on this neck cyst for about 2 weeks intermittently but not daily; sometimes dog will stay long enough for 2 or 3 cycles, sometimes he only gets half a cycle.  This cyst has not grown since and is currently about the size of a pea.  It has not fully disappeared, and the empty fluid sac is still palpable, but there is no indication that the cyst is growing again.  I will continue to use this IC to see if it will eventually permanently disappear.  This was amazing to watch happen.  It provided a very physical affirmation for the use of IC's and frequency healing.
Related ICs: Cyst (Rife)

Cyst (Rife)
Mar 29, 2024
Used this on an epidermal cyst on the back of dog's neck. Cyst comes and goes of its own accord but never truly goes away. The cyst ranges in sized from a shelled walnut to a golf ball, and the size fluctuation is gradual lasting over several weeks to grow or diminish. I used this IC 3x in a row on the cyst when it was fully engorged. The next day it was half the size. Used it again 1x (dog wouldn't sit still for longer than one session) the... See more
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