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Sylvie Bratigny
7 days ago
Hello. I read on your Facebook that you can help someone remotely with a photo placed on the Glow Pad.
My son lives very far away, so I can't get him water.
Can someone explain to me how to do this with photos?
Thank you and good day
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Jul 21, 2024
Merci Antonย 
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Jul 20, 2024
Sylvie Bratigny , for remote treatment, you can place a picture of the person or simply their written name on a piece of paper on the transfer device, select the desired IC, and start the transfer. This is an experimental method that may be explained by the theory of quantum entanglement, suggesting that you can influence objects remotely through photos or written names that are linked by your consciousness. We are actively studying this... See more
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Jonathan Roseland wrote a comment to Ayahuasca
about 2 years ago
Jun 21, 2022
Jonathan Roseland, are you there??? Answer us!
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Jun 22, 2022
Seems Jonathan got carried away :)
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Jun 22, 2022
Anton Sheikh-Fedorenko, haha. I heard he's now a shaman in LA serving IC's of Ayahuasca...
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Jun 22, 2022
Braedy, ๐Ÿ˜‚
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Jul 10, 2022
Braedy, LOL see my review in the sidebar
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Jonathan Roseland It's good to know it doesn't have any more effect than that. That's not what I'm looking for. I was pretty worried about taking it.

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Jun 14, 2022
Jonathan Roseland, is it working for you?
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Jun 08, 2022
Jonathan Roseland, curious about your experience with this IC. How long are you planning to use it? What affects are you looking for?
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Jeffrey Popiel
7 days ago
I noticed it has been mentioned that Bluetooth volume should not matter, but I have noticed that it does significantly change the output of the Glowing IC Pad 3. When the Bluetooth volume is at 0, there is no glowing, but when I increase the volume, the lights modulate brightness (showing some variation), and if I increase the volume beyond about 60%, the lights appear to be glowing without modulation. Which setting is ideal for use? max volume... See more
Jul 20, 2024
Jeffrey Popiel, can you please provide a link to some IC with which you experienced this? I personally have not observed this so far. When Bluetooth is used, we just transfer data digitally and then output a stable signal, but maybe I missed something. Thank you!
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Jul 20, 2024
Anton SF it is most noticeable on the frequency ICs and any with a higher overall amplitude or more consistent frequencies. A quick test on a few I saw some were less noticeable, but still had some effect, and might have something to do with frequency amplitude range i.e., more frequencies with a larger range of amplitudes would be less affected, whereas a single smooth frequency would have the most effect.

A couple complexes that showed:
Super... See more
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Jul 20, 2024
Jeffrey Popiel, thank you for providing more details! Do you increase the master volume on the computer/phone or the player on the website? I think you mean on the player, and if so, that volume should be set at 100%, but can be lowered if someone needs to have a weaker effect, those who are very sensitive. Overall what happens, is that when you put 5%, for example, you can clearly see the modulation, but if you have 100% volume in the browser... See more
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Jul 20, 2024
Anton SFI have only been seeing the effect with the Bluetooth volume setting from my phone, and wasn't aware of the player volume settings.
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Jul 20, 2024
I don't seem to be able to access the player volume on my device, but just the device's Bluetooth volume setting.
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Jul 20, 2024
Jeffrey Popiel, on the phone we don't display that volume button unless you turn the phone into landscape mode. It seems the Bluetooth volume setting on your phone provides the same effects as the volume button on the player. What phone do you use?
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Jul 20, 2024
Anton SFI am using a fairly uncommon model, Doogee S98Pro. I see the volume controls in lanscape mode as suggested. Thank you for your thorough response!
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Jul 21, 2024
Jeffrey Popiel, wow, that is a nice phone (just saw), did not know something like this exists :)
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