Post Training Recovery and Regeneration Drink

Primary Application
For what
Cleanse/Restore the Body
Skeletal and Muscular
Vitamins and Minerals
Herbs and Botanicals
For whom
This complex is like a post workout shake. It contains substances to regenerate the body after training.
Included ICs
79 k
Amino acids are essential to life as they are needed to build proteins, help with the production of hormones and blood cells, support the maintenan...
Essential amino acids are amino acids that the body cannot make and therefore need to be obtained through outside sources like food and supplements...
67.8 k
L-glutamine is an amino acid that has a broad range of uses. It is the primary fuel for cells of the small intestine, making it essential for addre...
Phosphatidylserine Complex combines phosphatidylserine with ginkgo biloba, mixed tocopherols, and gotu kola to support cognitive function. It may b...
BPC-157 and TB-500 Peptide Blend, referred to as “Wolverine Peptide Stack” by Ben Greenfield, takes the benefits of both peptides to stimulate woun...
76.8 k
All in One Nutrients contains multiple vitamins to help the body on a daily basis and maintain general well-being. It may be used to protect the bo...
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anonymous, August 22, 2024
find I don't get stiff after working out!!
Mark, January 21, 2025
Loving it

Post Training Recovery and Regeneration Drink
Feb 13, 2024
Hi there!  The way this sounds is to drink it post work out -- OR is it best to use minimum 3 times a day?  Thanks!
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PEMF Circadian rhythm also called the “body’s clock" which sends signals to vital organs when it's time for them to rest or kick into action. The natura...
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