Multiple Sclerosis

Primary Application
For what
Mental Health and Nervous
Vitamins and Minerals
For whom
Combination of Nutrients that will increase brain function and mental power. It contains Piracetam, Acetyl L Carnitine, Arginine, Brain-Derived proteolytic peptide, cerebrum compositum NM and Phosphatidylserine.
Included ICs
Arginine Pyroglutamate Lysine is a blend of amino acids that may be used to improve growth hormone levels.
Brain-derived proteolytic peptide (from porcine) is used to stimulate neurotrophic regulation in the central nervous system. It may be used to trea...
20.7 k
Stimulation of the defense mechanism in dysontogenesis in children, legasthenia, vegetative dystonia, depression, arteriosclerosis, after concussio...
87.7 k
Dexamethasone is used for the treatment of several conditions including blood/hormone/immune system disorders, endocrine disorders, rheumatic probl...
9.48 k
Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid and component of the cell membrane. The human body can make phosphatidylserine, but it obtains most of what it...
177 k
Piracetum is used to treat cognitive problems. It can also be used to improve learning abilities, enhance memory, improve focus and concentration, ...

Multiple Sclerosis
Jun 14, 2021
How can I use this combination but eliminate the two allopathic drugs out of it?
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May 01, 2021
I program purified water for multiple sclerosis, I put the Ataxia program in, But I'm skipping it for two days now. In the morning I listen to the cerebellum program.
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Apr 28, 2021
Iโ€™ve been using this program in the water for a month now, but I feel like my body has become terribly stiff, Tense on every move. Does it exist? or should I use another program?
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Apr 10, 2021
I drink water for this disease. Can I use the other two options on the same day?
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