Primary Application
For what
Mental Health and Nervous
Flower Essences
Herbs and Botanicals
Vitamins and Minerals
Flower Essences
Herbs and Botanicals
Vitamins and Minerals
For whom
Brain Boost may help support cognitive function and improve memory in adults. This IC was created with the help of various herbs and nutrients, which include phosphatidylserine, alpha-lipoic acid, ginkgo biloba, bacopa, alpha-glycerophosphorylcholine, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate.
Included ICs
58.6 k
Brain Boost may help support cognitive function and improve memory in adults. This IC was created with the help of various herbs and nutrients, whi...
4.13 k
Brain Wake may be used to help support brain health and function. It may be used to help improve memory and learning as well as promote blood circu...
4.27 k
Brain Wellness is a combination of various herbs, vitamins, and minerals to help support brain health and function. It may help improve cognitive f...
6.42 k
Cognition Remedy is excellent for encouraging intense focus and concentration when working, speaking, reading or studying. It can also be used to n...
2.23 k
Cognitive Boost may help improve memory and support brain function. This IC was made with the help of ashwagandha, dill, bacopa, ginkgo biloba, Urt...
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