IGF-1 Boost Energy Levels stamina) for Joanne H

Dr. Annette Landman
Longjack, Deer antler velvet, Bovine Colostrum. Boost energy levels Your body naturally produces IGF1 when you are a child and a young adult. However, after around the age of 25, your body’s natural production of IGF1 sharply drops off. As you can see, it’s no surprise that this is the same time in many people’s lives when they begin to lose youthful energy. Increase Passion & Stamina Long Jack (Eurycoma Longifolia) which is known to help the body naturally increase passion, testosterone levels, boost cardiovascular endurance, and help improve overall health and wellness. This energy infoceutical is a powerful health product perfect for anyone looking to lead a more active lifestyle. Build lean muscle Hypertrophy - when you work out, you are essentially tearing muscle fibers. As the muscle fibers rebuild themselves, muscle mass increases. This whole process is biologically known as hypertrophy, which is essentially an increase in the size of your cells. IGF1 makes this process easier for your body. Hyperplasia – this refers to the division and increased number of cells. IGF1 is a key factor in kickstarting hyperplasia in the muscles. While your workouts increase muscle size, IGF goes to work and actually increases the number of muscle cells in the areas of your body targeted by your workouts. Reduce recovery time from workouts We can all become more susceptible to harmful injuries as we age, or through doing more intensive physical training. It’s frustrating to lose days of activity because of injuries or sore muscles that need to recover. The Growth Factor (IGF1) found in deer antler velvet extract has been shown to have links to injury recovery, which is why high-quality IGF products are so popular with athletes and anyone looking to lead a more active lifestyle.
包括 ICs
10.4 千
東革阿里,也被稱為 Longjack,是一種來自東南亞灌木 Eurycoma longifolia 根部的草藥。它含有豐富的抗氧化劑,可作為強效助劑,數百年來一直在東南亞用於治療各種疾病。東革阿里可用於幫助治療勃起功能障礙、男性不育症、瘧疾和細菌感染。它還可用於幫助減少發燒、緩解壓力、改善情緒...
7 千
鹿茸含有 13 種生長因子、21 種氨基酸、20 種糖胺聚醣,以及多種礦物質和微量元素。它是一種具有多種用途的適應原:它可能有助於增加肌肉發育、力量和耐力;改善恢復;預防和減輕炎症;改善性健康;降低血壓;改善骨骼和關節健康;並刺激免疫系統。
31.7 千
初乳是哺乳動物在分娩後和母乳開始生產前不久由乳腺產生的液體。它含有豐富的營養素、碳水化合物、脂肪、蛋白質(如乳鐵蛋白)、生長激素和消化酶,還含有免疫球蛋白G(IgG)、A(IgA)、E(IgE)、D(IgD)和M(免疫球蛋白)。天然存在的 IgG 濃度最高。牛初乳可用於增強免疫系統功能、預防和...
14.2 千
牛內臟是一種很好的能量來源,可能有助於為身體提供各種酶、蛋白質和維生素。該 IC 是在草飼、牧場飼養的牛肝、心臟、腎臟、胰腺和脾臟的幫助下製成的。
11.6 千
L-亮氨酸或亮氨酸是一種支鏈氨基酸,有助於構建和修復肌肉。它可能被用來調節血糖水平、改善肌肉質量、增強能量、改善運動表現、促進肌肉恢復、支持蛋白質合成、增加人類生長激素 (HGH) 的產生、支持減肥和改善鍛煉後的恢復。
8.2 千
DL-苯丙氨酸結合了氨基酸苯丙氨酸的“D”和“L”形式,幫助身體產生一類稱為兒茶酚胺的神經遞質激素。它可用於幫助改善情緒、增強認知功能、對抗抑鬱、增加能量、幫助治療注意力缺陷多動障礙 (ADHD),並支持神經系統和內分泌健康。
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Joannie Haughn, 2023年06月25日

anonymous, 2023年12月23日


IGF-1 Boost Energy Levels stamina) for Joanne H
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