AJ Occu Power v4

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Primäre Anwendung
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Produkte tierischen Ursprungs
Kräuter und Pflanzen
Vitamine und Mineralien
Für wen
Based on InfoWars' eye support supplement that has been discontinued in the market for few years now. The first 9 ICs are based on InfoWar's eye formula. The remaining are my personal tweaks making this complex more like a forked version of AJ Occu Power. Additional ingredients: Goji berries help with blurry vision, dizziness, diminished visual acuity and dryness or tearing. Astragalus Root and Panax Ginseng combo so that all vitamin and nutrients can get absorbed deep into the body for faster results. RECOMMENDATION: Imprint with 6 repeats if you want to see faster results. Drink at least four times a day. By 2nd day, I notice my vision greatly improved For example, my eyes stops feeling strained from looking at computer for hours and I no longer need to wear my reading glasses whenever I need to read something. Creator notes: v1.0 was created on Sept 25, 2022. v2.0 on Apr 16, 2023, now includes L-carnosine (an anticataractogenic, antiageing, and anticancer agent) to help stop cataract progression in people over 40 yrs. L-Carnosine is used as an alternative to N-acetylcarnosine (NAC) eye drops (1%) for anti-cataract. Ben Greenfield's stem cell is used to help reverse aging lens and retinal cells. All these healing effects cannot be achieved without first removing heavy metal toxins that maybe causing the eye impairment to begin with. So Methylene Blue is thrown in since it can cross blood-brain barrier to remove heavy metal toxins. v3.0 on Sept 11, 2023 - remove methylene blue and Ben Greenfield's stem cell because do not find them effective. Replace with Vitamin A, B6 and folate. (Studies show B6 and folate helps slow down the onset of eye diseases like macular degeneration.) On Sept 15, 2023 v4.0 added MSM (for eye anti-inflammation), Chlorine Dioxide (detox), DMSO (faster absorption of supplements into body) and Omega 3 (studies show prevention or decrease macular degeneration, dry eye syndrome and glaucoma). Creator notes: Since this ic was created, it continues to be my family favorite ic complex for vision support.
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AJ Occu Power v4
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