Transmitting Antibacterial Property to Water

Anton SF
A number of studies have been published that look at transferring information of biologically active substances to water using electromagnetic waves. We previously reviewed works by Heredia-Rojas et al. related to transferring antimicrobial information to water and the corresponding effect on microbial growth (link). In this post, we review a recent publication titled “Electronic Transmission of Antibacterial Property into Water at Extremely Low-Frequency Range: A Preliminary Study” by Dr. Imran Rad and Dr. Kamran Jalali wherein the authors investigate the possibility of transmitting the antibacterial property of ampicillin to pure water. 


What did the authors do?

The authors examined the effects of the electromagnetic information signals from ampicillin (a penicillin-type antibiotic) on the maximal growth of E. Coli. In terms of the experimental set-up, the following controls and test samples were used:

E. Coli treated with different ampicillin concentrations (positive control);

E. Coli. treated with deionized water (negative control);

E. Coli. treated with water exposed to background carrier waves (sham control); and,

E. Coli treated with water that was imprinted with information of ampicillin at different dilutions (Ampicillin IC).

To study bacterial growth, colony counting measurements were conducted on controls and samples following 8 to 12 hours of growth on nutrient agar (Fig. 1). All experiments were done in triplicate and one-way ANOVA statistical testing was used to determine whether a significant difference existed between the means of the groups.

Fig. 1. Main stages of the experiment.

What did the study reveal?

A few interesting results were obtained from this study. The first was that samples imprinted with ampicillin (i.e. Ampicillin IC) were able to inhibit E. Coli. growth by 30 ± 15% compared to the negative control (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Effect of Ampiciline IC on E.Coli growth.

What does this mean? 

The evidence presented by Drs. Imran Rad and Kamran Jalali demonstrate the possibility to transfer antibacterial information to water as a way to inhibit E.Coli growth. These findings are in line with other published studies related to imprinting water with antimicrobial information. Although further research is still needed to achieve greater inhibition of bacterial growth using imprinted water, these findings illustrate the potential future of transferring electromagnetic information of antibacterial drugs into the water as a new approach in managing bacterial infections, which is especially important nowadays considering the rise of “superbugs”.


Rad, I. and Jalali, K. (2018): Electronic Transmission of Antibacterial Property Into Water at Extremely Low-Frequency Range: A Preliminary Study.

Transmitting Antibacterial Property to Water
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