The Fourth Phase of Water and Effects on Health

Anton SF
We all know that water is essential for life and that it can exist in three phases – solid, liquid, and vapor; however, have you heard about the fourth phase? For several years Professor Gerald Pollack from the University of Washington has been studying this phase of water, which is also known as “Exclusion Zone” or “EZ” water.

Fig. 1. Different phases of water.

What exactly is EZ water? EZ water is not the water we learned about in school – it’s structured, ordered water arranged in a liquid-crystalline form. Experimental evidence has shown that EZ water is organized in a honeycomb sheet that stack parallel to the material surface to build the EZ layer. Unlike regular water with a chemical structure of H2O, EZ is structured as H3O2 and results in a negative charge (thus can hold energy as well as deliver it when necessary). Moreover, it has been shown that EZ excludes nearly anything suspended or dissolved in the water. In terms of properties, EZ water has been shown to be denser, more viscous, and more alkaline compared to ordinary bulk water. 

How can ordinary water be converted into EZ water? EZ water is created on hydrophilic (or water-loving) surfaces. Moreover, it has been shown that a key ingredient to build EZ water is light or electromagnetic energy in the form of visible, ultraviolet, or infrared; although, infrared has been shown to be the best. Other possible ways to induce EZ water buildup include placing a container of regular water near a magnet as well as vortexing or swirling the water. EZ water is found in nature – that is spring water and glacial water have been shown to have a high content of EZ water. Moreover, several reports have stated that EZ water is also located within the cells of the body and is important for many cellular physiological functions and thus, overall cellular health.

Fig. 2. Example of factors that help create EZ water.

This post reviews the 2018 publication titled “Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size” by G. H. Pollack et al., which investigates whether agents that impact health influence the size of the EZ layer.

What did the authors do?

The authors examined the ability of various agents to build or reduce EZ water. These agents included:

  •     foods that have been shown to promote health such as Tulsi (holy basil), Culturelle Kids   probiotic, turmeric, and coconut water;
  •     pain-relieving medications such as aspirin (active ingredient: acetylsalicylic acid) and Tylenol (active ingredient: acetaminophen); and
  •     Roundup, an herbicide containing glyphosate, that has been shown to have negative health effects.

The effect of each agent on the exclusion zone was tested at various concentrations and compared to the exclusion zone measured in deionized water that did not contain any agents – the latter acted as the control.

Fig. 3. Experimental scheme to examine the ability of various agents to build or reduce EZ water.

What did the data reveal?


A. Foods that promote health and EZ size

The data showed that increasing the concentration of foods that promote health (i.e. tulsi, Culturelle Kids probiotic, coconut water, and turmeric) increased the EZ size compared to the control; however, at higher concentrations, the EZ size diminished. 

Fig. 4. The effect of Tulsi on exclusion zone (EZ) size.

Fig. 5. The effect of Culturelle Kids Probiotic on exclusion zone (EZ) size.

Fig. 6. The effect of Coconut water on exclusion zone (EZ) size.

Fig. 7. The effect of Turmeric on exclusion zone (EZ) size.


B. Pain-relieving medication and EZ size

Similar to agents that promote health, it was observed that aspirin and Tylenol also increased EZ layer size with increasing concentration relative to the control; however, at higher concentrations, the EZ size decreased. 

Fig. 8. The effect of Aspirin on exclusion zone (EZ) size.

Fig. 9. The effect of Tylenol on exclusion zone (EZ) size.


C. Herbicide and EZ size

For the herbicide, which has negative effects on health, the data indicated that with increasing concentration, there was a gradual decline in the EZ size. In fact, no concentration of the herbicide caused the EZ size to exceed that of the control.

Fig. 10. The effect of Roundup (herbicide) on exclusion zone (EZ) size.

Overall the results presented demonstrate that agents, which are used to help with health build EZ water over a large range in concentrations. On the other hand, the health-impairing agent (i.e. herbicide) did not show any EZ water development but alternatively caused the size of the EZ water to decrease with increasing concentration.

What does this mean?

The investigation by G. H. Pollack et al. reviewed herein provides a possible explanation as to why certain agents affect health the way they do. Specifically, substances that support or benefit health may do so by building the EZ water within the cells, while those that impair health may do so by diminishing the amount of EZ water. Moreover, at high concentrations of health-promoting agents, a decrease in EZ water was observed, which may explain the negative impact of overdosing; nevertheless, the mechanism behind this observation is still not understood. In essence, although further investigations are needed to fully comprehend the effect of EZ water on health, this study provides a potential mechanism for health improvement.

To read the entire publication, please click here

Can EZ be responsible for storing information?

Professor Pollack hypothesizes that the structure of EZ can be “shaped” by the molecular structure of dissolved substances in water (like homeopathic remedies) or by specific electromagnetic signals recorded from substances (like ICs). If EZ can be “shaped” and this state can remain for some time, then EZ may be considered as a possible information carrier.

Learn more about EZ water, its relationship to health, and how it may store molecular information by watching this YouTube video featuring Professor Pollack


The Fourth Phase of Water and Effects on Health
Jul 21, 2024
How does structured water and infopathy work together? I’m familiar with EZ water and how to structure it… however, to imprint water I’ve been advised to shake the water to be imprinted for 10-12 seconds prior to imprinting… does this unstructure the water? Is it better to just use unstructured water for imprinting or is there benefit to creating structured water and then imprinting it? Some clarity around this would be super 🙏
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