ICs & Complexes

Results for Digestive: Homeopathy
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Magnesia Phosphorica 5CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from magnesium phosphate that may help manage muscle cramps, spasms, nerve pain, and musc...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Magnesia Phosphorica 9CH is a homeopathic remedy prepared from magnesium phosphate that may help manage muscle cramps, spasms, nerve pain, and musc...
    119 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Cell Salts, also known as tissue salts, are minerals used in homeopathic medicine to help support the body’s health and healing process. There are ...
    4.47 k
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Aethusia Cynapium 5CH is a homeopathic remedy that may help with lactose intolerance in infants.
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Aloe Compose is a homeopathic remedy that may help with severe diarrhea, involuntary gas, hemorrhoids, and liver pain. This IC was made with the he...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Aloe Socotrina, commonly called aloe, is a homeopathic remedy that may be used to treat diarrhea, digestive problems, flatulence, bloating, hemorrh...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Aloe Socotrina, commonly called aloe, is a homeopathic remedy that may be used to treat diarrhea, digestive problems, flatulence, bloating, hemorrh...
    5.72 k
Imprint Aloe Socotrina, commonly called aloe, is a homeopathic remedy that may be used to treat diarrhea, digestive problems, flatulence, bloating, hemorrh...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Aloe Socotrina, commonly called aloe, is a homeopathic remedy that may be used to treat diarrhea, digestive problems, flatulence, bloating, hemorrh...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Alteris farinosa 7CH is a homeopathic remedy derived from the Aletris farinosa plant, also known asor Colic Root. It is often considered in homeopa...
    1.15 k
Imprint Altitude, also known as the mountaineer’s remedy, is a homeopathic remedy made with coca leaves. It is used to treat high altitude sickness and its...
    1.46 k
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Alumina 30CH, prepared from aluminum oxide, is a homeopathic remedy that may be used to help treat constipation, indigestion, gas, anal itching, ch...
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