ICs 及 複合物

結果 為了 消化
Imprint Ferrum Sulfuricum Silicicum 是一種順勢療法藥物,用於支持整體健康和福祉。它是三種不同天然物質的組合:硫酸鐵、二氧化矽和硫磺。它可能有助於治療貧血、增強免疫系統、改善血液循環、減少炎症並支持健康的消化。
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Fiber Fusion is a blend of natural fibers that may help support digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements and effectively managing cons...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Ficus Carica BMG 1D is a homeopathic remedy prepared from the fig tree and may help with digestive issues such as constipation, indigestion, heartb...
Imprint Flatulent Colics & Constipation Support is a homeopathic remedy that may help reduce minor symptoms related to flatulent colics and constipation su...
    4.7 千
    Akemi Borjas, DOM
Imprint Free & Easy Wanderer Plus (加味逍遙散) 是數百年來在傳統中藥中使用的草藥混合物,具有清熱涼血、疏肝氣、養血化瘀、健脾益氣的功效。疏肝理氣,調和肝脾。它也可用於幫助治療腹脹、反酸、憤怒或易怒、焦慮、食慾不振、乳房脹痛、乳房腫塊(纖維囊性)、肝硬化、便秘、抑鬱、頭暈、情...
    33.1 千
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint GHK-Cu 是一種天然存在於人體(血漿、唾液、尿液等)中的銅絡合物三肽,是目前最受關注的美容趨勢之一。 GHK-Cu 可能具有抗氧化、抗癌和抗衰老的特性。它被認為有助於促進傷口癒合,改善皮膚健康,減少炎症,促進皮膚血液循環,減少皺紋的出現,緊緻和緊緻皮膚,均勻膚色,減少光損傷和皮膚斑點,減少...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Gastric Vitality may help stimulate the gall bladder, facilitate the drainage of cholesterol and fats from the blood, protect gastric mucosa, and s...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Gentle Bowel Support is a homeopathic remedy that may help decrease discomfort associated with constipation. It may help soften hard and dry stools...
Imprint Ginger is highly valued for its health benefits, largely due to gingerol, its main bioactive compound. It may help decrease inflammation, improve d...
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Green Jasper 3CH is a homeopathic remedy that may help manage liver failure.
    Elie Naulleau
Imprint Gres Rose 5CH 是一種順勢療法,可能有助於治療便秘和運動障礙。
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint H.幽門補救療劑是一種具有抗菌特性的草藥混合物,可用於幫助清除體內的 H. Pylori(幽門螺桿菌)。它還可用於幫助調節胃酸的產生,以幫助緩解胃灼熱和胃酸反流。該 IC 是在野蒜、橄欖、甘草、蜜樹、路易波士茶、番石榴和水莓的幫助下製成的。