ICs 及 複合物

結果 為了 生殖: Vie Rayonnante
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Imprint 硫磺是一種由礦物硫磺製成的順勢療法藥物,可用於幫助治療各種皮膚病,如牛皮癬、濕疹和痤瘡。硫磺還可用於幫助治療感染(病毒、細菌和寄生蟲)、普通感冒、支氣管炎、肺炎、哮喘、喉嚨痛、眼炎、胃潰瘍、腹脹、風濕和關節痛、心律失常、慢性炎症膀胱(膀胱炎),以及與月經相關的婦科疾病、經前綜合症、遲來、重度、...
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Imprint 11-Keto-DHT(11-酮二氫睪酮)是二氫睪酮(DHT)荷爾蒙的衍生物。與 DHT 相比,它具有潛在的較溫和的雄激素作用。正在研究它在有益地減少雄激素活性情況下的潛在用途,例如激素治療或管理對雄激素敏感的病症。
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Androsterone is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal glands and gonads (testes in males, ovaries in females) as well as in the brain. It is a ...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Bioidentical estrogen, a form of hormone replacement therapy derived from plant sources, closely mirrors the estrogen produced by the human body. I...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Bioidentical progesterone, a form of hormone replacement therapy derived from plant sources, closely mirrors the progesterone produced by the human...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Black currant seed oil, extracted from the seeds of the black currant plant, is renowned for its abundant content of essential fatty acids and anti...
    Vie Rayonnante
脈衝電磁場 Rife frequencies may help with breast/fibroid cysts.
Imprint Chasteberry fruit, commonly used in herbal medicine, is native to the Mediterranean region. It may help balance hormonal levels, particularly in wo...
    Vie Rayonnante
Imprint Donggui Jiunao Tang is a traditional Chinese herbal formula used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It may help nourish blood, promote circulation, a...
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Imprint HMG,也稱為人類更年期促性腺激素,是一種合成肽,可用於幫助治療男性和女性的生育障礙。在男性中,HMG 會刺激睾酮的產生;而在女性中,它會刺激排卵所必需的促卵泡激素 (FSH) 和促黃體生成素 (LH)。
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Imprint L-瓜氨酸或瓜氨酸是一種非必需氨基酸,在尿素循環中起重要作用,尿素循環是有助於從體內清除有毒氨的代謝途徑。此外,L-瓜氨酸促進血管舒張(即血管擴張)。 L-瓜氨酸可用於幫助改善運動表現、增強運動恢復、促進一氧化氮的產生、幫助治療勃起功能障礙、支持心血管健康、增加血流量和增強大腦功能。
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Imprint L-精氨酸是一種幫助身體製造蛋白質的氨基酸。它還充當血管擴張劑(即血管擴張劑),可用於治療心臟和血管疾病,例如高血壓和冠狀動脈疾病、勃起功能障礙和男性不育症。
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