Skin Assist

Primary Application
For what
Immune and Lymphatic
For whom

This IC may be used to help with skin affections such as eczema, dryness, itch, ulcers, cracks, cuts, and scars. It may also be used to help with toxic overload in tissue, eye inflammation, eyelid cysts, accumulation of fluid, cells and waste in the connective tissues, obesity, and metabolic imbalance that leads to chronic constipation.

Skin Assist
Sep 17, 2024
Hello Anton,

What would you advise in case of anal fissures, located inside the mucosa and never completely closing?
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Aug 19, 2024
Dr. Anton~~ It's a hot summer. I wish you health and happiness. . Are there any treatment frequencies or helpful materials for Orthopoxvirus? I always appreciate it!
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Jul 30, 2024
Is there a frequency for melasma? I have searched but I can't find it. Thank you so much
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Nov 08, 2023
I’m not seeing what is in this IC? 
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Jun 17, 2023
Can this IC be used on 7 months old baby that have red blotches on a lower part of torso and a groin area. Possibly a reaction to a resent vaccine or maybe a form of eczema. If it’s ok to use glow pad topically then how many repeats should it be and how often. Is there perhaps a better suited IC that can be used for an infants skin issues. Thank you.
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Jun 16, 2023
I am not getting any lights showing up on my IC pad,  I have tried everything to get even a flicker and there is nothing. Before I would only get a little flicker of light in the centre of the pad. Now nothing. 
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Mar 23, 2021
Would this be best taken internally or applied to dry skin?
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