Neck and Shoulder Tension

10.9 k
Primary Application
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Skeletal and Muscular
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This Audible IC is for neck and shoulder tension.

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Silvia, November 11, 2023
Always brings improvement!

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Chevallier isabelle, October 10, 2023
Good morning. I tested this audible with water informed against muscle pain for shoulder/neck pain which gives me migraines. I usually have to take ibuprofen to see them go away.
This is the second time I tested and my pain and migraine have disappeared.

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Kathrin Ben Haim, March 25, 2023
Helps always

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anonymous, August 11, 2022
Immediate relief!
Kathrin Ben Haim, January 30, 2022

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Neck and Shoulder Tension
Oct 14, 2023
Do I have to listen to this with headphones or can I also use the IC pad for audio?
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Oct 10, 2023
Good morning. I tested this audible with informed water against muscle pain for shoulder/neck pain which gives me migraines. I usually have to take ibuprofen to see them go away.
This is the second time I tested and my pain and migraine have disappeared.
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Aug 10, 2023
Hi I'm using the glowing ic pad. Should I be hearing anything? I have my volume all the way up but I don't hear anything. let me know if this is normal or what can I do to hear this audible with the glowing ic pad using on a Mac laptop. thanks.
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Jul 11, 2023
I ran this via speaker on iPad.  Shoulder pain and neck stiffness 8/10.  After running it pain and stiffness 2/10.  It works!! Thank you to the makers of this IC. 
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May 17, 2023
Can I use this with a glowing ic pad?
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Apr 29, 2023
This one is quite amazing. After doing whole chiro and neck and HSW neck, this one is lifting the tension from my tight muscles so well. 
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Feb 24, 2023
How long does one keep the hummer on neck/shoulder for beginner ?
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Jan 14, 2023
So to use this one.. do we listen to it in headphones? Or is the Glowing IC pad still used?
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Jan 09, 2023
It worked very well when ever I needed. Thank you. 
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Oct 31, 2022
My neck been stiff and sore all day. I was so thankful this worked to alleviate a lot of the strain and tension
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Jul 01, 2022
Is using headphones or the IC Hummer more effective? Or is the effect just as good? :-)
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Jun 12, 2022
Works instantly on me. Wow. That’s awesome
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