Alkaline PH Booster

Primary Application
For what
Blood and Cardiovascular
Cleanse/Restore the Body
Vitamins and Minerals
This IC contains substances that should reduce the acid loads of the body!It would be wise to measure urine and saliva PH before and after usage!
Included ICs
32.6 k
Alkaline Complex provides valuable minerals to help maintain a healthy acid-base balance in the body. It may be used to support normal acid-base me...
12.7 k
Allopurinol is used to decrease high blood uric acid levels. In particular, it is used to prevent gout and kidney stones due to either uric acid or...
22.6 k
Dichloroacetate (DCA) has been used for decades in the treatment of metabolic acidosis because it blocks the production of lactic acid. In the past...
27.6 k
Sodium Bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is a natural antacid. It may be used to help with acid reflux and heart burn, improve urinary tract ...

Alkaline PH Booster
Aug 09, 2022
I’m testing this with good quality ph strips but no difference so far.
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Dec 29, 2021
I am using this daily and so far my PH has risen nicely. I am looking to get back into the "normal" range but already up 1 point. Thank you
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